Here at HairContrast we produce a variety of solutions to help people with hair loss and thinning hair problems and all of our systems use a non-surgical method. Our products are tailor made to suit most individulas and advice from our experienced team with help those regain a self confidence back into their lives again.

Our priciples with producing our hair systems are that we only use the finest quality materials combined with using the latest technology. This then gives our customers peace of mind and comfort when using our products.

Based on these principles, we have produced hair systems that feel and look totally natural. Designed from various concepts over the years, our products have been proven to work and with no ill side effects. The breathable base skin and superior materials we use makes for a hair system that is so comfortable and light, it doesn’t even feel you have it on.

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Hair Loss Solutions – Examples

Bespoke hair pieces, made especially for you

Most people take pride in their appearance and their hair is their crowning glory. But for those suffering from hair loss or thinning hair, their conditions can cause  psychological distress and a loss of self confidence.

According to the NHS, 8 million women in the UK experience hair loss, while 40% of men will experience noticable hair loss by the age of thirty five. Some of these individuals find this difficult to accept and will source possible solutions. Hair transplants, laser therapy, synthetic hair fibres and other scalp treatments are some solutions, but not always effective or just too expensive. Also standard solutions such as wigs and toupees are predominantly uncomfortable and hot and because of the design leaves the wearer with a sense of awkwardness.